Would you like to learn how to make your own compost?
Composting at home is a great way to make your garden look great but its also of huge benefit to the environment.
Food waste comprises nearly half of the rubbish in an average household rubbish bin and once in landfill, food waste undergoes anaerobic decomposition and generates methane, which is 25 times more potent a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
By composting your food waste and keeping it out of landfill you can instead turn it into nutrient-dense compost. Perfect for your veggie patch or community garden.
In this free workshop you'll learn how to compost with:
- Chickens
- Small compost bins
- Large compost bays and piles
- Compost worm farms
- and more
Book your ticket
For more information and to secure your free ticket, please visit the Good Life Permaculture website - Free Home Composting Workshop March 30 | Good Life Permaculture.
The workshop will be run by Nadia Danti, who is a professional market gardener and soil health expert who’s travelled the world working with some of the best growers out there. Nadia is passionate about composting, soil health and understanding the ecosystem under our feet, as well as supporting people to learn the simple yet magical ways of home composting.
This workshop is being run by Good Life Permaculture and supported by the City of Hobart through the Waste Education Program.
Future workshops
There are more compost workshops to be held throughout the year. Further details and booking information will be available closer to the date:
- Sunday 1 June
- Sunday 14 September
- Sunday 23 November