Cultivated connections and rituals of relaxation MARGOT is a curation of skin, beauty and wellbeing brands that approach the earth with kindness. Each product is chosen with unrivalled quality, therapeutic doses, and concentrated formations.

A wholesome space here in Hobart to connect through grounding facial treatments tailored to your individual needs or, to bring a moment of pause into your daily life, no matter how big or small.

This space runs deeper than just skin products, I am truly passionate about changing the inner dialogue and recognising authentic and realistic self-care practices. I’m here to educate the grounding art of ritual to transform an everyday ‘routine’ into an essential act of loving self-care. Crafted from the purest ingredients and formulated solely for their beautiful, natural affinity with the skin.

As the only stockist of these artisan brands here in the entire state I am bringing a genuine experience and something exclusive.